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Narrative in Audio Design

Audio Book - "Calm in the Storm"

Concept Overview: 

"Calm in the Storm" is a 3-minute self-help audiobook that teaches listeners techniques for managing their emotions and finding inner calm in stressful situations. Through a combination of guided meditations, breathing exercises, and practical tips, the audiobook empowers listeners to take control of their emotions and find peace in the midst of chaos.


Statement of Need: 

Self-help audiobooks that can help people manage their emotions and find inner calm in stressful situations are in high demand. "Calm in the Storm" meets this need by teaching listeners how to manage their emotions and find peace in even the most difficult situations.


Concept Description: 

The audiobook will be narrated by a professional voice actor who will guide listeners through a series of guided meditations, breathing exercises, and practical tips for managing their emotions. The audiobook will include a variety of sound effects to create a sense of relaxation and calm, such as the sound of waves, gentle music, and soothing voices. The voice actor will use a calm and reassuring tone to help listeners feel at ease and in control.


Target Audience: 

The target audience for "Calm in the Storm" is individuals who struggle with managing their emotions and finding inner calm in stressful situations. It is particularly suited for busy professionals who face high levels of stress and anxiety in their daily lives.

Learning Goals: 

The learning goals of "Calm in the Storm" are to empower listeners to take control of their emotions and find inner calm in even the most challenging circumstances. The audiobook will also promote self-awareness and mindfulness by encouraging listeners to be present at the moment and pay attention to their thoughts and feelings.


Learning Theories: 

  • Cognitive learning theories

    • The audiobook will utilize social cognitive learning theories, such as modeling and self-efficacy, to empower listeners to take control of their emotions. By providing practical techniques for managing emotions and demonstrating their effectiveness, the audiobook will increase listeners' confidence in their ability to manage their emotions and find inner calm in stressful situations.

  • ​Personalization Principle

    • According to the personalization principle, people learn better when learning materials are presented in a conversational or personalized tone (Mayer, 2014) 

  • ​Voice Principle

    • People learn better if the narration uses a human voice (Mayer, 2014)


Scene 1: A busy executive sits in a crowded airport, feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

Scene 2: The executive meets a wise old man who teaches her the power of mindfulness.

Scene 3: The executive learns techniques for managing her emotions and finding inner calm.

Scene 4: The executive applies what she has learned and feels a sense of peace and control.


Narrator: Welcome to "Calm in the Storm," an audiobook that will teach you techniques for managing your emotions and finding inner calm in even the most challenging circumstances.


(Scene 1 - Airport)

Narrator: Imagine you're a busy executive, rushing through a crowded airport to catch your flight. You're feeling overwhelmed and anxious, and the noise and chaos around you are only making things worse. It's times like these when it's easy to lose control of your emotions and feel like you're caught in a storm.


(Scene 2 - Meeting the wise old man)

Narrator: But then, you meet a wise old man who teaches you the power of mindfulness. He shows you how to focus on your breath and become present at the moment. As you breathe in and out, you feel a sense of peace and calm washing over you.


(Scene 3 - Learning techniques)

Narrator: The wise old man teaches you techniques for managing your emotions, such as taking deep breaths, visualizing a peaceful scene, and repeating positive affirmations. He also shows you how to practice mindfulness in your daily life by paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment.


(Scene 4 - Applying what you've learned)

Narrator: As you apply what you've learned, you feel a sense of peace and control. Even in the midst of the chaos of the airport, you're able to stay calm and centered. You realize that you don't have to be swept up in the storm of your emotions. With the power of mindfulness and emotion management techniques, you can find calm in the storm.


Narrator: Thank you for listening to "Calm in the Storm." Remember, you have the power to manage your emotions and find inner calm in even the most challenging circumstances. By practicing mindfulness and using emotion management techniques, you can weather any storm with grace and ease.


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