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Narrative in Social Media

"Mindfully Connected"

Concept Overview: 

Mindfully Connected is a social media project designed to promote mental health education, physical health (focusing on the negative effects of cigarette smoking), quality of connection, and self-awareness. The project aims to inspire individuals to lean on others for support, be courageous, show themselves authentically, and be comfortable with being themselves.


Statement of Need: 

Mental health issues are becoming increasingly prevalent in society, and many individuals struggle to find the resources and support they need to cope with their challenges. The Mindfully Connected project aims to provide education and support to individuals, empowering them to take control of their mental and physical health and build stronger connections with others.


Concept Description: 

Mindfully Connected will feature a series of short videos, and 2D art posts on social media like Instagram or Facebook, highlighting different aspects of mental health, physical health, quality of connection, and self-awareness. The content will be created in collaboration with mental health professionals, and young artists. The project will encourage engagement and discussion among its followers, with the aim of building a supportive community focused on mental and physical health and self-improvement.


Target Audience: 

Young adults (aged 10-25) who are looking to improve their mental and physical health and build stronger connections with others. The project is particularly targeted toward individuals who may be struggling with mental health challenges and are looking for resources and support.


Learning Goals: 

The learning goals of the Mindfully Connected project are to:

  • Increase awareness of mental health issues and the negative effects of cigarette smoking on physical health

  • Encourage individuals to lean on others for support and build stronger connections with others

  • Promote courage and authenticity in individuals, helping them to show themselves authentically and build closer relationships

  • Help individuals to become more self-aware and comfortable with being themselves


Learning Theories: 

  • Social learning theory - Social learning theory suggests that people learn through observation and modeling. Mindfully Connected can leverage social learning theory by featuring individuals who have overcome mental health challenges and built strong connections with others, and by creating a supportive environment through social media tools. This approach can promote positive change and growth among its target audience.

  • Spatial Contiguity Principle - People learn best when relevant text and visuals are physically close together. Image and text are placed together to help the audience better understand the information

  • Learning Styles & Motivation - Individuals are more likely to be interested and engaged in learning when they are presented with materials that align with their preferred learning style, such as visual aids. When learners are able to understand and process information in a way that resonates with them, they are more likely to pay closer attention and retain the information presented.

Posts on Instagram


Loneliness = smoking 15 cigarettes a day!


Lean on others for support. Please do!


Be courageous and take that leap


Show yourself authentically leads to closer relationship.


Fitting in is the opposite of belonging. be comfortable with being you.


the quality of connections

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